Helping you heal from within.
Your body has a natural healing ability. Chiropractic supports you on that journey.
Pura Vida Chiropractic : Your Chiropractor in Voorburg
Joint pain, Back pain, Neck pain, Headaches, Stress, Fatigue, Low energy, Poor posture, Sleeping problems, Muscle tension, Digestive issues …
We can help you.
Holistic approach of health
Pain is only the tip of the iceberg. It’s an important signal but understanding the origin of this pain is even more important.
We focus on getting to the deep cause of the pain, addressing the problem on a root level, not only a symptomatic level.
Trauma-informed chiropractic care
In the recent years, neuroscience research showed how traumatic event, even the smallest events, have a considerable impact on our nervous system and our level of chronic stress.
Our care is different because it focuses on retraining your nervous system to bring it back to a state of safety and peace, instead of just fixing a pain.
Custom Care
We all have different needs. You will be given personnalized recommendations that will help you reach the level of health you desire.
We’ll look together at the different areas of your life that can be improve for long lasting results.
Your health journey starts here. Your Chiropractor Voorburg
Are you tired of feeling constant pain, tension or stress in your body?
Perhaps you’ve been feeling down or tired for a while now?
Maybe you’ve even experienced digestive issues, bad sleep, poor focus, lack of energy ?
All of these are symptoms showing that your body is overloaded with stress.
Your body either goes into fight-or-flight mode or complete freeze/shutdown state.
If you’re here it’s probably because you want to get rid of your pain (physical and/or emotional).
Not only that, but you want to be able to enjoy your life fully and get out of this feeling “I’m stuck”.
Whether you want to practice your hobbies and activities, be more relaxed and connected to yourself, improve your sleep and your mood, improve your general health, or simply feel more energized throughout your day, we can help you.
If you’re looking for a quality chiropractor in Voorburg Den Haag, book your appointment.
How can Chiropractic Care Help You?
✅ Improve : Health, posture, flexibility, mental clarity, focus, quality of sleep, digestion, energy, emotional stability, resilience, quality of life, etc.
⬇️ Decrease : Pain, inflammation, the use of medicine, anxiety, low mood, chronic fatigue, risk of injury, stress, muscle tension, etc.
Meet your chiropractor in Voorburg with this video
We are looking forward to welcome you in the practice !
Why choose Pura Vida Chiropractic?
Personalised Care
Close to Laan van NOI
Holistic Health
Great Reviews
Warm & Friendly Team
Easy Online Scheduling
Is our approach the right one for you?
It can sometimes be confusing to know which practitioner to choose,
here’s how we can help you :
Your body is like a house. When there’s a fire in your house, the fire alarm goes off.
What do you do then? Do you turn off the alarm or stop the fire?
Where other healthcare professionals might only look at your symptoms (alarm) and treat that only, at Pura Vida Chiropractie – Chiropractor Voorburg we look at the cause of all these symptoms (fire).
Most of the time, we also find a dysregulated nervous system in our patients.
While looking also at your pain, we want to get to the root of the problem to avoid your pain coming back in the future.
But you already know that. You’ve probably already tried pain medication, stretches and other more traditional approach of healthcare that focus only on pain relief. If you’re here, it means that these options didn’t really work because your problem is still there.
The only way to reduce your symptoms is to find the cause of the problem, treat it and let your body do the healing.
At Pura Vida Chiropractie – Your Chiropractor in Voorburg, that’s exactly what we do to help you heal.
How Chiropractic can Help You
Here are the main benefits you will get out of chiropractic care :
Pain, aches, tension
Mental clarity
Brain fog
Better focus
Worrying thoughts
Energy level
Emotional stability
Restored body-mind connection
Self-healing ability
Accept your body
Learn to deal with pain
Discovery chat
👩⚕️ If you’re unsure about chiropractic, you can book a discovery chat, we will explore your health, why you’re seeking chiropractic care and determine if we can help you or if another health professional is best suited.
If we think we can do something for you, you will be invited to come to the practice for a full examination (functional movement, posture check, etc.)
First Visit
👉 From there, we’ll assess your health thoroughly :
▹ pain & symptoms
▹ lifestyle habits
▹ posture assessment
We’ll offer you our best recommendations for chiropractic care based on the findings from your health history and the results of the examination.
Unique Framework of Care
🧘♀️ You start your chiropractic care with a personalized approach.
To help you heal even better,
we’ll teach you how to:
✅ Retrain your nervous system at home
✅ Eat respectfully to your body
✅ Practice mindfulnes to ease your mind when you feel overwhelmed
✅ Work on your emotions and subconscious
About Léa
Hi, I’m Léa Poncet, your chiropractor at Chiropractie Pura Vida – Voorburg Den Haag.
About Victoria
Chiropractor – Owner of Pura Vida Chiropractic, Chiropractor in Voorburg Den Haag
My name is Victoria. I was born and raised in Lille, France, not far from the Netherlands.
I moved to Barcelona at age 17 and studied there for several years. On top of living next to the Mediterranean Sea, that was a great opportunity for me to learn Spanish.
After that I also studied, and then graduated from chiropractic school and worked in England, in Bournemouth and Bristol.
The decision to settle down in the Netherlands appeared quite unexpectedly after returning from a 6-month travel in Central America. I simply felt at home here.
Having both French and Belgian Flemish ancestry, I felt like the culture here in the Netherlands was very close to what I experienced as a child with my grandparents. Coming here just felt like the right decision.
About Marie
Hi, I’m Marie Bouchayer, your chiropractor at Chiropractie Pura Vida – Voorburg Den Haag.
Marie was born and raised in France, between Paris and Normandy.
She began studying chiropractic as a teenager because she wanted to help people with her hands and heart.
In 2017, after graduating from IFEC (Institut Franco-Européen de Chiropraxie), she understood that chiropractic is not only about relieving pain, it is also a way to regulate the nervous system and experience a new, clear and reconnected life.
During that time, she also studied hatha yoga, focusing on breathing techniques and specializing in women’s health and pregnancy as a chiropractor. She enjoyed living and working in Paris for 5 years.
Today, Marie is excited to join Pura Vida Chiropractic. She looks forward to meeting you and using her skills and experience to improve your health and vitality.
Get long lasting results for your health.
You deserve to heal. You deserve happiness and peace of mind.
Over the years I noticed that my patients were living with accumulated years of stress due to work, personal life or family demands.
My goal is to empower you to regain your health.
Through specific chiropractic care, you will be able to regulate your nervous system and reach a place of safety, calm and relaxation. The chronic pain and aches you may have will naturally reduce by themselves as your system learns to regulate itself properly.
Chiropractic is not a quick fix method, it is meant to get to the deep rooted cause of the pain. Address this cause instead of only symptoms will allow lasting results in your life.
Chiropractor Voorburg : Our Reviews
Frequently Asked Questions
Find your answers here!
What is the cost of a session?
Initial consultation (history, physical examination, scans, posture, results) & first adjustment : 80€
Follow-up chiropractic visit (single) : 60€
Follow-up chiropractic visit (with a 6-visit pack) : 55€
Will it be reimbursed by my health insurer?
Chiropractic care is usually reimbursed from additional insurance.
The fees are payable on the day of your appointment at our practice. You will then receive an invoice (factuur), which you may send to your insurance company for reimbursement. We encourage you to contact your insurance company to find out exactly how much that reimbursement will be.
You can also find more information about this on our website:
Do I need a referral from my medical doctor?
No, chiropractors are primary healthcare providers in most countries throughout the world.
You may make an appointment directly without a referral from your doctor.
I’m not in pain, can chiropractic still help me?
Chiropractic care and specific exercices can help you prevent pain and injuries by developing a better proprioception (feeling your body).
How does it take before I start feeling better?
This varies per person. Most of our patients see at least 80% improvements within the first 3 months. Although everybody heals at a different pace, we often recommend an intensive period at the beginning to achieve the best results, after which you gradually have to come less often.
Several studies report similar levels of improvement and satisfaction within the same timeframe from patients under chiropractic : 70% improvement within 3 months (1) – a mean of 17 visits to resolve resolve headaches, neck pain and upper back pain (2).
(1) Blanks, RH; Boone, WR; Schmidt, S; Dobson, M; Network Care: A retrospective outcomes assessment. 1996 Dobson, M; Boone WR; Blanks, RH; Women and Alternative Health Care: A retrospective study of recipients of Network Care. 1996
(2) Maltby, J. & H., et al. (2008). Frequency & Duration of Chiropractic Care for Headaches, Neck and Upper Back Pain. Journal Vertebral Subluxation Research. 2008. 1-12.
Is chiropractic safe and recognised?
While you may experience some aching, soreness or tiredness after an adjustment as your body starts to change, this response is normal and can be compared to when you do an intense workout at the gym.
Chiropractic is safe. Chiropractors have to study between 5 to 7 years to obtain their Chiropractic Degree (most often Masters of Chiropractic). During that time, a chiropractor learns how to recognise cases that are beyond his scope of practice and to refer patients out to other specialists when deemed necessary. A student graduates from school only when he is safe enough to treat patients by himself.
In fact, chiropractic has been shown to be 250 times safer than taking anti-inflammatory medications such as Ibuprofen (1). Statistically, chiropractic is also safer than driving a car (2).
(1) A Risk Assessment of Cervical Manipulation vs. NSAID’s for the Treatment of Neck Pain. Dabbs V, Lauretti W. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 1995; 18(8);530-6(2) What are the Risks of Chiropractic Neck Adjustments. Lauretti W. JACA 1999; 36(9);42-47.
What does a chiropractor?
A chiropractor takes care of the human body by adjusting your spine and freeing up your nervous system from interferences. All bodily processes are controlled from the nervous system, consisting of the brain, spinal cord and other nerves.
When your body is free of blockages, your brain can better communicate with your body and better control all the components : joints, muscles and organs – guaranteeing a healthier life.
Do I adjust myself when I "crack" my neck?
No, ‘cracking’ our own spine is not an adjustment. Adjustments are specific in a locked up joint and take years to master.
A cracking sound can relieve your tension temporarily but will never fix your problem. Even chiropractors need to get checked by their colleagues and can’t adjust themselves.
Are you curious?
Let’s have a look together at your situation and see if we can help you. Send us a message.
Email Address
Visit Us
Koningin Wilhelminalaan 539a,
2274 BD Voorburg
office hours
Monday 8.30 – 17
Tuesday 8.30 – 17
Wednesday 9 – 17
Thursday 9 – 14
Friday 9 – 17
Please, do not call us 😊
During treatment, we do not answer the phone as we want to keep full attention to the treatment. High quality care for our patients is our top priority.
1. You want to make an appointment? That’s easy. Follow that link and make your appointment online directly.
2. Any questions ? You can simply send us an email at We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Do not forget to mention your name. Anonymous messages will not be answered.
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